Introducing the cast of The Holbrook Hit-Squad
This is the big headed bit where we tell you how good we all are.
Well, one of us made recurve master bowman, and one made GMB with a stick this year anyway.
Stats - Bowman
Hereford 1100,
FITA 1134,
FITA 720, 549/100
Albion 840+
Portsmouth 561
FITA 18: 522
Hoyt Elan, Steve Allen Grip,
WinEx's 66" 34lbs,
Shibuya Dual Click,
Nice shiney new 780 ACEs,
33" Purple Beiter. |
Here's a rare piccie of Therese at full draw.
She's got the only semi-automatic bow I know of.
Therese would like everyone to know, she reached Bowman before Nik.
Got the prettiest Elan you've ever seen.
Is now trying to be a truly international France.
Has shot in the County Team
Stats - Bowman
York 939,
FITA 1155,
FITA-720 571/105
Albion 856
Portsmouth 558
Black Aerotec, Steve Allen Grip,
Win & Win WinEx's 70" 38lbs
ACE 470's
Shibuya Ultima,
30" Black HMC,
10" Cartel twins,
90 x 15 Spigarelli v-bar |
Here's a real piccie of Nik.
Along with Therese, should be sponsored by
Has been asked to shoot for the County Team twice.
Stats - Bowman
York. 1006
Fita. 1153
Albion 880
Portsmouth 560lots
W&W Winact2005, Best Jager Grip,
W&W 70" 38lbs,
430 ACEs,
30" HMC with W & W VBar.
10" HMCs
This is Mark & his amazing Hat.
Achieved Bowman after shooting for just a year.
His ambition is to make his bow fly out of his hand!
His hat stared in "Oh Brother, where art thou?" with George Clooney
He's been asked to shoot in the Sussex County Archery Team almost every year he's been shooting, but is more interested in shooting at the 2012 Olympics.
Stats - Bowman
York 1041,
FITA 1196,
Albion at least860
Portsmouth 566
Bronze Avalon Plus,
68" 40 lb W&W Winexes,
ACE 520s/470s,
Shibuya Ultima,
30" Kudlacek or HMC.
10" Arten twins
J Barrs V bar |
This is Graham Stevens.
Unicycles, juggles, pongs ping & darts are his thing.
Highlight of his career has to be winning the 2006 Norfolk FITA 70 Head To Head.
(Can't seem to win the club champs tho!)
Shoots in the Sussex County Archery Team.
Stats - Master Bowman
Hereford 1059,
FITA 1198,
Albion 811
Portsmouth 572
Hoyt Red-Fade-Black Elan,
Nice New ACEs,
30" Beiter
Nice shiney new red Shibuya Ultima.
Here's a piccie of Christine.
She is the first one of us to get MASTER BOWMAN classification.
Currently taking time out to have Bump2.
Highlight of her career is getting MASTER BOWMAN!
Collects shiney badges in her spare time.
She also shoots in the Sussex County Archery Team.
Stats - Bowman
York 935,
FITA not 1200,
Albion over 826
Portsmouth over570
Very heavy W&W Expert, Best Jager Grip
72" 34lb Border Talisman Bronze,
ACE 430's,
Shibuya Dual Click,
30" HMC,
10" HMCs.
This could be Trevor, who still hasn't sussed out what a yard is.
An asset to the club.
To rank or not to rank...that is his question!
Married to Kerryn who keeps him under control.
Thank Heaven!
"So you shoot a York in Sussex, against Hampshire? Right, I got it."
Stats - 1st Class
Hereford 860,
FITA 849,
Albion 686
Portsmouth 521
W&W INNO, Best Jager Grip
68" 32lb Samick Athletes,
Shibuya Dual Click,
Cartel X-perts,
28" HMC, 10" HMC twins.
W&W Carbon V bar. |
Here's a piccie of Kerryn.
Married to Trevor, well, someone's got to be!
Mom to Yoshi...the dog, not the pipe
What County Team?
York lots,
FITA more,
Albion at least 890
Blue-fade-Black Matrix,
70" 34 lb Winexs,
520 ACEs,
30" HMC,
12" Arten twins
Here's a piccie of Rod.
Club Coach, top equipment man,
Check out that side anchor!
Been there, seen it, done it.
Shot the score, got the badge to prove it.
 Used to shoot in the Sussex County Archery Team,  
but now coaches the County Juniors
Wouldn't mind coaching Mark at the Olympics As long as he could measure everyone's spine!
Dawn - GMB
Mike - 1st Class
Dawn has the Albion County record
Mike's Portsmouth 559?
2 sticks,
Mike's got a Stylist,
Well, someone's got to!
24" Easton,
10" Arten twins
Here's a Piccie of The Rowlands.
Can't work out why they don't shoot bare... bow!
Dawn's not allowed in the Olympics as she'd probably embarass a lot of recurve archers. She now has something like 20-odd county records!
Metric 3 1200,
Albion this year
Portsmouth 570
Red Hoyt Nexus,
68" 34lb Hoyts
Shibuya Ultima,
28" Cartel Carbon,
Here's a piccie of Dan.
Could be really good if he pulled his trousers up!
Top member of the Smiley club!
Shoots in the Junior County Team.
Stats - 1st Class
York 925,
FITA 999,
Albion 800
Portsmouth 563
Old grey GM TD4,
70" 38 lb Challenger Carbons,
ACE 470's,
Spigarelli carbon 30,
30" long rod,
10" Arten twins
Here's a rare piccie of Richard in England.
(Not to be confused with Richard of England!)
Achieved over 550 for a Portsmouth in his first year.
Still chasing that elusive first FITA badge.
Many apologies to all of the others I've missed out, especially Alan (Chairman) & Jean (Chairman's Boss) |
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